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Sales & Marketing, Lessons Learned Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing, Lessons Learned Lynsey Taulbee

My Biggest Mistake Building My Flower Farm (And How You Can Avoid It)

They say, "I wouldn’t take back any of my past. It’s my past that led me here." And while that’s true, if I could go back and change one thing about building my flower farm, I absolutely would.

Let me take you back.

I was all in. Planting perennials. Filling an annual field. Adding raised beds. I even had peony roots lined up for the fall. I was growing, literally and figuratively, and business was booming. My community was incredible—one I built through Facebook and truly valued. Sales took off in mom-to-mom groups, and momentum seemed unstoppable.

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Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Starting a Flower Farm: First Season Costs and Expenses (It’s Less Than You Think)

So, you want to start a flower farm! Your mind is probably buzzing with all the exciting possibilities—envisioning a beautiful barn for workshops, rows of perfect flower beds, a small peony field, and a section of perennials to complement your annuals. You’re ready to hit the ground running to turn that vision into your reality.

But wait! 🛑

Let’s pause for a moment and rethink the plan.

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Sales & Marketing, Efficiency Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing, Efficiency Lynsey Taulbee

Why Specializing in a Niche Can Transform Your Flower Farming Business

In the world of flower farming, it’s common to start by growing all the flowers. There’s a certain wisdom in this approach, especially in the beginning—you get to experiment, discover what you enjoy growing, find out what thrives in your zone, and learn what your customers love. But as time goes on, trying to grow it all can become overwhelming. That’s where the idea of specializing comes in.

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Favorite Tools, Apps, Suppliers and Flower Varieties for a Thriving Flower Farm

Running a successful flower farm takes a mix of passion, hard work, and the right tools. Over the years, I've come to rely on a few trusty tools and resources both in the field and in the office that have made my job easier and my business more efficient. From apps that streamline daily tasks to tools that keep my field in top shape and flower varieties that never fail to impress, these are the apps, tools, suppliers and varieties that have earned a permanent place at Muddy Acres Flower Farm.

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Growing Flowers, Sales & Marketing, Numbers Lynsey Taulbee Growing Flowers, Sales & Marketing, Numbers Lynsey Taulbee

Deciding What to Plant: Sunflowers or Dahlias

Have you ever had an empty space in your field and wondered what to plant? Many just plant what they enjoy growing the most or maybe what’s easiest to grow. But when you are running a cut flower business, you gotta look at it from a business perspective. What flower will provide the most yield. And when I say yield, I’m talking about profit.

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Peonies, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Peonies, Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Peonies: A Profit and Expense Guide for Flower Farmers

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen me refer to my peony field as “My husband’s retirement gig.” Let me explain why.

Once a peony is established—which takes years—a single plant can produce more than 50 blooms a year. Let’s be incredibly, uber conservative and say that you harvest 15 stems per plant each season and charge a low price of $4 per stem. This would mean each plant would bring in $60 in sales per year.

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Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Numbers, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Maximizing Your Flower Farm's Profit: A Guide to Profit Planning

If you were to ask me about my profit plan in year one, I would have told you it was to sell as many flowers as I could. THAT was my profit plan! Sound familiar? If so, you aren’t alone. As flower farmers, our passion for growing flowers and spreading joy is often the driving force behind our work, not the profits. But if you want to transform this passion into a sustainable business, you gotta have a plan.

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Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

6 Ways to Show Customer Appreciation During the Holidays

The holiday season is a time where many of us take extra care to show gratitude to others. And of course, while it’s great to do this in your personal life, there’s also an opportunity to do it through your flower farming business. By showing appreciation and gratitude to your customers, you have the opportunity to strengthen your relationships. And what better time to prioritize customer appreciation than the holidays?

Here are six ways how to show customer appreciation during the holiday season:

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Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

5 Black Friday Marketing Tips for Flower Farmers

Late November is a time of shopping frenzy and fantastic deals. From Black Friday to Small Business Saturday, this time of year is an awesome opportunity for you to get in on the action.

Now, you might be thinking: How do I take advantage of Black Friday as a flower farmer when nothing is blooming this time of year?

Let me tell you: That’s okay and don’t let that stop you!

In this blog post, I'll give you five tips to make the most of Black Friday and holiday shopping so you can help create consistent income for your flower farming business year round.

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Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

What is a Personal Brand and Why Do You Need One for Your Flower Business?

Today, I want to talk to you about something that is often overlooked but incredibly important for the success of your flower farming business: your personal brand. In this blog, we'll explore what a personal brand is, why you need one, and how it can benefit your flower farming venture. I'll also provide you with some actionable steps to help you create and put your personal brand into action.

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Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Want to Start a Flower Business? 5 Tips to Help You Get Started

You love flowers—the way they look, smell, and make people feel. You’ve spent countless hours in the garden, dreaming of turning that passion into something more. And now, you’re ready to take the leap and start your own flower business.

You’ve found the space, prepped the soil, and decided what to grow. But now what? Where do you find customers? How do you keep income consistent? And how do you make sure you’re building something sustainable, not just beautiful?

Because here’s the truth: Flower farming is more than just growing flowers—it’s running a business. And that means learning how to market, sell, and manage your time, money, and resources in a way that works for you.

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Flower Stand, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee Flower Stand, Sales & Marketing Lynsey Taulbee

Blossoming Roadside Appeal: Crafting Captivating Designs for Your Flower Stand

Dreaming up and planning your roadside flower stand design is one of the most fun parts of being a flower grower and seller. If you’re already a flower farmer then you already know that it’s a lot less glamorous than social media makes it look. But your roadside stand really can be one of the Instagram- or Pinterest-worthy things on your flower farm.

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Sales & Marketing, Flower Stand Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing, Flower Stand Lynsey Taulbee

Blooming Success: How to Open a Roadside Flower Stand

So you’re scrolling through Pinterest and seeing dreamy roadside stands packed full of beautiful blooms and the healthiest looking produce. And you start getting your own roadside stand ideas and imagining how to design your own.

Sound familiar?

Roadside stands can be a great, convenient way to sell your flowers on your terms. But maybe you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you already have a roadside stand, but it’s not the Pinterest-worthy stand attracting customer after customer.

This guide is meant to help you understand how to open a flower stand and ensure you’ve checked off all the boxes before opening for business.

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Sales & Marketing, Growing Flowers Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing, Growing Flowers Lynsey Taulbee

How to Grow Tulips Without a Cooler

My tailgate slowly opened to reveal the goods inside. I felt like I was hustling gold chains in NYC except it wasn’t gold chains. I had tulips that resembled limp spaghetti noodles with a bulb dangling from the bottom. The florist, her staff and the bank tellers from across the parking lot were rummaging through my stash and building piles to buy.

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Sales & Marketing, Dahlias Lynsey Taulbee Sales & Marketing, Dahlias Lynsey Taulbee

How to Make the Biggest Profit from Dahlias on Your Flower Farm

Most growers have it completely backward. They grow a gazillion different flowers but rely on just one or two ways to sell them—usually mixed bouquets. What if you flipped the script? What if, instead of juggling dozens of flower varieties, you grew just one powerhouse flower and had a multitude of ways to generate revenue from it?

That’s the magic of dahlias. These stunning blooms aren’t just another pretty face in the field; they’re one of the most versatile and profitable flowers you can grow. From their first sprout to their final bloom (and even beyond), every stage of the dahlia lifecycle offers opportunities to make money.

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